18 NOVEMBER 2022






Made by using heat and pressure to bond 1/20th (5%) of the total weight of 14K to the surface of the core metal (brass, etc.). 14KGF, which features a layer of 14-karat gold crimped onto brass for a beautiful finish, has a thicker gold surface, and is more durable than plated-coated ones.

Each unique freshwater pearl shimmers on your ear and makes you shine.




The newest release from the 10K gold series, with its mellow and captivating shine, is now available. The long chains and freshwater pearls are perfect for daily use.


Himmeli Earrings

Inspired by the traditional decoration of Himmeli.
The three-dimensional motifs made of delicate lines are very attractive. It swings comfortably around your ear, creating a feminine look.




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