Notice of Product Price Revision

Thank you for always buying and loving our products.

Affected by the rising cost of raw materials, transportation costs, and the resulting increase in procurement costs for parts and sub-materials, we have decided to implement a 1.2% price increase on our products effective February 1, 2023.

There will be no price revision for the following products.

E0280115P / E0280116P / E0280118P / DG040257P / DG040258P
DG040259P / DG040260P / DG040261P / DG150113E / DG150114E
DG270265P / DG270266P / DG300138P / DG380297P / GG050244P
GG050245P / GG050246P / GG050247P / GG050255P / GG050013N
GG050014N / GG050015N

 We thank you for your understanding and support in helping us to grow alongside you. Please feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or comments.

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